Shipping Information
Last updated: 02/01/25.
Shipping Information:
We are proud to offer free worldwide shipping on all orders. Please note associated shipping costs are typically included in the retail price of our goods.
We arrange via our suppliers' agents for shipping using the most efficient avenue to your home country.
All orders will be dispatched from our warehouse within 3 business days. In peak periods please allow for up to an additional 3 business days for dispatch.
Standard International Shipping is 8-30 business days. Typically, orders arrive within 7-14 business days (depending on location) and we will endeavour to meet all stated timeframes; however, please note that shipping times may vary depending on time of year, holiday seasons & other local and international factors beyond our control.
We request all of our customers to provide both cellphone and email contact details.
Infraglow Wellness provides you with tracking numbers via email so you can see how your order has progressed towards delivery, and where possible we will inform you that your order has arrived at a local distribution centre. If you believe your order is currently available for pick-up, but you have not been informed via email or phone contact, in addition to contacting us at, please also contact your local distribution center or postal service.
Additional Shipping Notes. Please Read Thoroughly:
- Infraglow Wellness is not liable for the payment for import or duty costs, which differ for each country if deemed necessary by that country's relevant laws. You may be liable to pay Customs Office customs fee(s), import tax (duty) and also a VAT/HST/National/Local Sales Tax. Infraglow wellness cannot estimate the cost of any import or duty fees to which ordered products may be subject and it is therefore your responsibility as the receiver to contact your country’s customs/enforcement body to ascertain these fees. Once your order is shipped, tracking information will promptly be provided via email.
- If you have ordered multiple items, they may arrive in multiple shipments at differing times. This is normal and to be expected. Separate tracking numbers may also be provided for orders consisting of more than one item.
- Many Infraglow Wellness items are shipped in bulkier packages that may not be delivered to your door, depending on the mailing practices of your local postal service. A signature may be required for some deliveries. You are responsible for ensuring you are able to accept delivery. Infraglow Wellness will not be liable:
- For early/late delivery where attempted delivery has occurred on or before the stated delivery time-frames;
- For lost or missing parcels that have been signed for at your selected delivery address (regardless of whether or not you have personally accepted delivery);
- For lost or missing parcels left at your chosen location where you have expressly given authority to leave with the item’s carrier.
- If you live in a country or region where freight and parcels are delivered to local post office boxes or local distribution centers (rather than delivered to your place of residence), please ensure that you have up-to-date communication with your local mail distribution center, to ensure that you are made aware of when your order arrives and is ready for you to pick up.
- When the purchaser has been made available for pickup, and every effort has been made to contact the purchaser to inform of the order's readiness to be picked up from a local distribution center, it is the purchaser's responsibility to ensure that the order is picked up in a timely manner. Infraglow Wellness cannot be held liable if a purchased product is returned to sender after having not been collected in such circumstances.
For any additional questions about our shipping policies, please contact us at We are always happy to help!